November 18, 2009


(no label shirt, UO tights, vintage leather shorts and boots)

I was asleep this evening, but was abruptly woken and have not been able to get back to sleep, so I'm getting a head start on my outfit post from today. Im sitting in my kitchen and I love it and its raining and the sound is amazing...

When I found these boots at the Sally last week, one was originally a lone soldier until i scoured the ENTIRE store looking for the other one and eventually found it under the shoe rack. I was not planning on leaving without these boots. I saw them and my mind screamed TOP SHOP WEDGES.
Although they are quite different (no peep toe etc.) i was so gravitated on owning these, they are surprisingly easy to walk in but hysterically make my 5'8" self look like a giant.

weekend, enjoy.

November 17, 2009

come away with me

(vintage jacket and leather shorts, UO opaque tights, vintage riding boots)

While I was sifting through my local Salvation Army, I saw one of the arms of this jacket peaking out among the rubble and I immediately gasped when I picked it up. It's some what of a black jean jacket with sheer arms? covered in pearls? It's absolutely amazing and have been hanging it in very visual parts of my room so I can gaze at it to my fullest extent.

weekend included: thrifting, wandering, the shining, portuguese, beautiful abandoned houses, polaroids, italian food, pirate hats, and loss of sleep.... still recuperating.

November 9, 2009

blank canvas

(BCBG top, UO skirt)

started out this morning as a blank canvas...

then added my favorite beaded necklace from UO..

I don't own that many necklaces due to that fact that i am very picky about them. I tend to cling to my favorites such as this and my vintage switch key

I am also introducing you to my lover...NICO